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Treating pets facing flea and tick infestations

Pet owners love many things about having companion animals. But flea and tick infestations are probably not on the list of things pet owners love about their furry friends.

Few pets will go their lifetimes without experiencing fleas and/or ticks. Understanding common flea and tick behaviors can help pet owners better handle infestations.

Fleas and ticks do more than just create irritating skin ailments for dogs and cats. Fleas and ticks also can transmit diseases to pets and even people. There are more than 850 species of tick and 1,600 species of flea identified around the world. The main goal of these parasites is to suck the blood of their hosts in order to reproduce. Both fleas and ticks can survive months to even a year or more without feeding.

Fleas are especially prevalent in warm, humid areas. Ticks tend to be active in warmer weather as well. Fleas and ticks live outdoors and prefer grassy and forested areas. They need moisture and prefer to stay out of direct sunlight. Both seek warm, dark humid places. Fleas can wait out winter indoors.

Fleas and ticks are especially skilled at attaching themselves to companion animals. Fleas can leap quite far. Revival Animal Health says fleas can leap vertically up to 7 inches and horizontally as far as 13 inches. Fleas can easily hop onto dogs, cats or even humans passing by. While ticks cannot leap, they are excellent climbers. Many ticks will attach to a lower extremity on an animal and then climb slowly until they reach the preferred location for latching on.

Identifying symptoms of flea or tick infestations on dogs or cats is relatively easy. Scratching and biting of irritated areas is often the first indication of a flea problem. Pet owners usually notice ticks when petting their animal and feeling a strange bump. On occasion, ticks are discovered while crawling on the pet's fur, before they have latched on to the animal.

The Animal Health Institute advises combatting flea and tick populations with pesticides and repellents. Growth inhibitors also are included in the options for flea and tick control. Powders, spot-on liquids, collars, and pills may be used as well. Veterinarians can best assess which flea or tick product will be best for a specific animal.

Keep in mind that formulations for treating flea and tick problems in cats may differ from those used to treat flea and tick problems for dogs, so they shouldn't be used interchangeably. Also, follow the instructions from the veterinarian or manufacturer carefully so as not to overmedicate the pet.

To catch fleas and ticks before they become problematic, and in conjunction with using medications, follow these additional tips.

• Wash pet bedding on high heat regularly.

• Clean your home thoroughly to remove any immature

fleas and their food sources.

• Check pets regularly for pests and groom them frequently.

• Look for fleas and ticks after coming in from outdoors.

• Mow lawns each week and remove any lawn and garden debris.

Though flea and tick infestations can be unhealthy and uncomfortable for pets, pet owners can take steps to prevent such problems.

Pet Health

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